
Protecting Yourself as a Public Official 

Working as a public official can often be quite demanding. If you are someone who serves in such a capacity, you absolutely need to take time to think about how you are protecting yourself from the many exposures of your industry. The liabilities of your career path are very different than those found across other fields, so you need to think long and hard about how you can stay shielded with the right insurance plans. Review these points and gain a bit more insight into what your options might be. 

What Is Public Official Liability? 

When you take a look at public officials liability, there are a few main points you want to think about. First off, it can be a good idea to look at your biggest risks. This will give you insight into where a plan for your industry differs from traditional policies. Arrangements of this type typically cover exposures like acts of wrongful termination and discrimination. Additionally, there might be a need to cover risks related to wages that have not been paid to your staff. Other areas that you may want to focus on with a policy for public officials include: 

  • Coverage for employment practices liability
  • Defense coverage for nontraditional claims
  • Liability in the event of wrongfully issuing licenses

How To Protect Yourself

Though public officials are typically viewed in a light that is less than favorable, this doesn’t mean that these individuals are actually responsible for all their constituents claim. To stay safe and protect yourself at all turns, be sure to take out thorough coverage.